Farmers Mutual Telephone Company is open for walk-in service and bill pay. Our staff is on-site and are available by phone.
If you need to pay your bill, we have two convenient drop boxes located outside our office at 319 SW 3rd St. in Fruitland. Our “drive up” drop box is on the west side of the building. An additional mail slot is to the right of our entry doors, located outside. You can also call 1-844-843-6844 for our telephone bill pay, or visit our web page at to pay through our web portal.
Customers who need to sign up for new service or are in need of critical PC repair, can contact us at 208-452-6011 to schedule an appointment.
FROM DAN’S DESK: Keeping You Connected During the COVID-19 Pandemic What matters most in your world right now? There could be many answers to that question, depending on your current situation. We’ve all been told to “Shelter in Place”; stay home unless you are working at a job that is considered “Essential”. Those of you who work at a job that provides essential services are going into your job location every day. Some of you can work from home but are dealing with the reality of what that means with kids out of school and them not really understanding that Mom or Dad are there doing their regular daytime job and need some quiet time. And some of you are not working because your job is shut down for now. As we listen to our customers here at FMTC we are finding out that good, reliable internet service is essential. Internet service with enough bandwidth for work at home parents, kids out of school but needing to complete homework assignments, plus enough bandwidth to run the myriad of internet connected devices that have become a part of our everyday lives. Here at Farmers Mutual Telephone Company we have been working diligently to provide for those needs with our fiber optic upgrades, giving us the capability of offering up to a gigabyte of internet speeds in much of our serving area. Because of this we have received certification by a national telecommunications trade organization as a certified gigabyte service provider. This certification also allows the City of Fruitland to be designated as a “Smart Rural Community”. In the wake of the current Covid-19 Corona Virus, we are beefing up our existing community free WIFI hotspots so that school kids who do not have internet at home can go to those locations and keep up on their homework. For more information on those free WIFI locations contact us at 208-452-2000. Like many companies we have taken several measures to protect both customers and employees during this time of uncertainty due to the Covid-19 virus, but we are here providing the communications services you are requesting with Telephone, Internet, Network wiring, Internet Technical Assistance, and Computer Network assistance. What matters to you right now? If it is anything to do with the Telecommunications and Internet, we are here to help you.